NMIX 4220

less than 1 minute read

New Media Industries

NMIX 4220 was such a great way to gain experience in getting ready for the professional world. Each Friday, a different speaker from a different field would come to class and talk about their career. They would discuss what worked and didn’t work on their professional journey, and then they would open the floor to questions. Getting a glimpse at what the professional world is like and hearing about others’ experiences as they navigated their way through it was very helpful to me, especially as in the coming months I will be doing the same.

We also spent time in class discussing different topics, such as credit cards and health insurance. These topics aren’t typically talked about in college classes but are very necessary information to have when navigating the world post-graduation. I’m very fortunate to have been able to get this information now, as I know it is valuable and very relevant to my future.
