CSCI 4060
CSCI 4060
CSCI 4060 allowed me to grow my skill set by learning about Android app development based in Java. After now having taken two semesters of Java development courses, I was ready to challenge myself with something a bit different. Taking this course alongside NMIX 4310 (iOS development) really allowed me to dive deep into the world of mobile development. I learned about designing layouts and prototypes with FIgma and Adobe XD as well as fully developing apps from the group up in Android Studio. I pair of projects that I’m proud of are the development of an app that shows the user different street food recipes from around the world as well as an app for roommates to plan their grocery trips together and split up the cost thanks to a Google Firebase database.
The repo for the World Foods app can be found here and for the ShopperHelper app can be found here.